Meet the Counseling Staff
Counselors: Trina Roof, Kathleen Hudson
Registrar/Secretary: Kim Sothen
Phone: 540-422-7478
Fax: 540-422-7507
The Taylor Middle School counselors believe in providing a learning environment for the "whole child," which include receiving developmental skills in academics, career, and healthy social and emotional skills. School counseling involves the use of preventive and developmental counseling to teach students communication skills, coping strategies, probelm solving, and skills in helping with interpersonal relationships. We feel we must be cognizant of the rapidly changing needs of the pre-adolescent and adolescent child. Children at this age are sensitive to identify struggles, difficulties with balancing the demands of academic, career, and social efficacy, and autonomy development. Our goal is to help each student develop into a productive citizen and a lifelong learner.
For those in need, please contact your School Counselors or Registrar to pick up an application and start receiving a backpack with food for the weekend during the first full week of school! This helpful resource is provided by Fauquier F.I.S.H.
If you have additional questions or concerns, please give us a call: 540-422-7478.
Interesting Academic Websites to Visit: click on the website addresses to go to that website
- Virginia Department of Education (Virginia Department of Education)
- (Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL) test information)
- (extra help with math)
Community/National Resources:
- AAA, Al-Anon, Alateen.....................................800-835-6130
- Fauquier Social Services Department...........540-422-8400
- Fauquier Free Clinic..........................................540-347-0394
- Fauquier Family Shelter...................................540-341-0900, 540-351-0130
- Fauquier County Health Department.............540-347-6400
- Fauquier County Public Library.....................540-422-8500
- Fauquier Counseling Center.............................540-347-061
- The Trevor Hotline for LGBTQ Youth ........866-488-7386
- Region 1 Children's Mobile Crisis Line .........800-970-5897 (Operational Days/Hours--Monday-Friday, 12 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.)
- Community Services Board's Emergency Services ... 540-825-5656 (Rappahannock/Rapidan Area)